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What is 100x coin (100x)?

Launched in April 2021, 100x Coin (100X) is an auto- liquidity and auto-deflationary token. 100X’s price at the time of writing is $0.000000008245 (slightly under one-millionth of a cent). As an auto-liquidity and auto-deflationary token, 100X’s supply is always changing, but the estimated market cap at this price is $7.6 million.

What is a 100x return for bitcoin?

$1 with a return of 100x is $100 ($101 including your initial investment) 100X gain for bitcoin would mean a 1.7 million dollar BTC, which is 3X the market cap of gold. Was this worth your time? This helps us sort answers on the page. 100X is an expression used in the cryptocurrency world to describe a potential increase in value.

What is 100x crypto?

100X is one of the many crypto projects betting on social media momentum and a meme’s power to achieve extreme popularity. Originally launched on March 28, 2020 as 100xElon, it was later renamed to 100xCoin by a community vote.

How do I identify a coin with a 100x market capitalization?

I can identify three possible contenders, presently, but let’s start with some criteria. It’s easy for anyone to find a coin with a small market capitalization ( = price per coin * total number of coins), multiply that by 100, and then say that it’s a 100x candidate.

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